All the advanced georeferencing, digitizing, coordinate
conversion, and mapping features you need in a low-cost, unbelievably
versatile program. This is the ultimate geoprocessing and data
conversion tool for any map maker, cartographer, geologist, oil and gas
professional, or GIS analyst.
There has never been a more
comprehensive, powerful, all-in-one data conversion software solution
that provides an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface for
digitizing, georeferencing, coordinate reprojection, tiling, and
creating image mosaics. Didger solves the problem of
combining data files in different file formats and in different
coordinate systems, by providing extensive tools to transform your GIS
data into one cohesive coordinate system.
You can use Didger to precisely convert paper maps, graphs,
aerial photographs, well logs, or any other plotted information into a
versatile digital format that you can use with other software. Didger
can create new maps from the ground up or edit any existing map,
drawing, image, or data set imported into it.
Uses for Didger:
Start processing your data quickly and accurately with Didger. Some applications for Didger include:
digitizing points, polylines, and polygons, such as oil and gas wells,
wireline logs, graphs, contour lines, aerial photographs, satellite
- georeferencing and/or mosaicking aerial photos or scanned images
- overlaying vector, data, and image files to create a complete map
- calculating areas of polygons, such as watershed or lake areas
- calculating lengths of polylines, such as shorelines, roads, streams, or migratory routes
- and much more!
Digitizing Options:
process of creating new digital information often starts with a paper
map, graph or log, or a digital image such as an aerial photo, satellite
imagery or scanned paper map. Didger provides an easy and complete
solution to digitize vector data from your source documents and files by
using a powerful set of manual and automatic tools.
5 is tremendously flexible. Didger supports over 90 import file formats
and exports in over 45 file formats to make sure you can import and
export your data in the formats you need. Create large overlays easily
by importing several vector, data, or image files into one project. The
files will align according to their coordinate systems.
Working with Images:
are powerful visualization tools, whether they are aerial photographs,
scanned geologic maps, or company logos. Didger makes working with
images simple and uncomplicated.
Easy Image Georeferencing:
fast and easy georeferencing process makes it possible to rapidly
convert un-referenced images and scanned paper documents to real world
coordinate systems (e.g., UTM, State Plane, Latitude/Longitude) for use
in Didger or other GIS programs.
Vector Based Maps & Data Files:
Didger you can import a variety of vector based maps and data files in
many formats. Create large coverages easily by importing several vector
or data files into one project. The files will align according to their
coordinate systems.
Projections, Datums, Coordinates:
makes it easy to assign or change the projection and/or datum of your
data, vector, or image files from one coordinate system to another. For
example, in a few simple steps you can convert latitude/longitude data
to State Plane data, State Plane data to UTM data, or convert your data
from NAD27 to NAD83.
Surfer Compatible:
it is easy to see your maps the way you want them! Automatically
digitize contour or other 3D data in Didger and send them directly into
Surfer with a click of a button to change contour properties, overlay
with 3D terrain surfaces, DEM files, or other 3D imagery.
Advanced Editing Features:
Didger is packed full of advanced editing features designed to make your job faster and easier.
Supported File Formats:
sophisticated import and export filters come with Didger, simplifying
the transfer of your data and images to and from your other
Note on Digitizing Tablets:
all digitizing tablets work with Didger. If you already have a tablet,
Didger requires a 32-bit WinTab compliant digitizing tablet driver,
available from most tablet manufactures (for no charge) or from third
party vendors.
Here are some key Features of "Didger"
- Digitize any map, graph, aerial photo, site map, or printed image regardless of size using any Wintab32 compatible tablet.
- Digitize a vector or raster project onscreen.
- Digitize directly into a vector project using a GPS unit.
- Display all the raw data being sent form the GPS unit or save it to a data or text file.
- Average the data from the GPS over x number of sample points.
- See the current position of the satellites that are being used for a lock for the GPS.
- Display all GPS displays and settings.
- View the current elevation with the GPS unit.
Thin and smooth objects by selecting point selection removal, deviation
distance, vertex averaging, or spline smoothing options.
- Reshape objects by adjusting individual nodes.
- Combine, split, and/or reverse islands and lakes.
- Merge two polygons together, or create a polygon from the intersection of two polygons.
Import any vector file and retain or apply up to 23 map projections.
Projections supported are: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), State
Plane 1927, State Plane 1983, Albers Equal Area Conic, Azimuthal
Equidistant, Eckert IV and VI, Equidistant Conic, Equidistant
Cylindrical, Gauss-Kruger/Gauss-Conformal, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area,
Lambert Conformal Conic, Mercator, Miller Cylindrical, Molleweide,
Orthographic, Polyconic, Robinson, Robinson-Sterling, Sinusoidal,
Stereographic, Transverse Mercator, and Unprojected Lat./Long.
- Specify one of over 200 datums for your project.
- Convert the projection of a bitmap in a raster project.
- Warp, or rubber sheet, your calibrated raster image to fit any calibration units.
Import a georeferenced bitmap into a vector project and overlay it with
other data or vector files, or tile it with other georeferenced
- Add a graticule or a grid automatically to your project.
- Display the coordinates of selected objects in the Coordinate Manager.
- Define a polygon and use it to clip a bitmap
- Specify up to 256 colors to be transparent for a bitmap.
- Export directly to Surfer using the Create Surfer Base Map command.
- Use the Create Post Map option when importing a data file.
- Organize your data into different layers with the easy-to-use Layer Manager.
- Select objects with And/Or criteria.
- Resample polylines at a specified interval along either the X or Y axis.
- Use the built-in scanning features to import a bitmap using any TWAIN compatible scanning device.
- Import vector or raster files using any of the 27 formats that Didger supports.
- Import data points from 9 different data formats.
- Export vector or raster files using any of the 23 formats that Didger supports.
- Import and export spatially referenced images including GeoTIFF, TFW, and RSF.
- Calibrate your project using Cartesian or Projected coordinate space types.
Specify map datum parameters and perform datum transformations using
the following methods: Molodensky, Bursa-Wolfe, DMA Multiple Regression
Equations (RME), and user defined.
- Specify projection parameters when importing data or vector files.
- Combine vector maps from different projections into a single map projection.
- Digitize different cultures on separate layers and export only selected layers.
- Use Didger data with Surfer?, Grapher?, MapViewer?, or any other mapping, graphing, or database application.
- Associate and display up to four data values or identifiers for each object.
- Use any units (feet, angstroms, miles, meters, kilometers, etc.) with any combination of linear or logarithmic axes.
- Determine allowable error for your project and work within acceptable standards based on statistical calibration analyses.
- Obtain length information from polylines.
- Obtain polygon area and perimeter length.
- Zoom in or out to display any portion of the project.
- Set project limits for the extent of your project, or let Didger define default limits.
- Automatically assign IDs or assign data as you digitize.
- Edit polylines and polygons with the numerous editing tools.
- Define tolerance settings controlling the chaining and sensitivity of polyline and polygon creation.
- Get immediate help for all aspects of Didger, including useful digitizing examples, from the extensive online help system.
- Use the highly accurate and simple-to-use Tablet Calibration Wizard using between 3 and 256 calibration points.
- Receive unlimited technical support for as long as you own Didger.
- Create and print a report of all or selected objects in your Didger project.
- Print the entire map in full color.
- Use the mouse, the digitizing tablet pointer, or both while completing project work.
Enjoy over 440 Megabytes of Digital Line Graphs and Digital Raster
Graphs for the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain, and Yellowstone National
Parks included on the CD.
- Enjoy over 80 Megabytes of boundary
files, including boundaries for US 3- and 5-digit ZIP codes, US states,
US counties, US State Plane delineations, US city point locations, and
world countries.